Learn more about the harvesting, transplantation techniques and methods we use at Gardel Hair.
Here you can find all the info regarding male transplant, like who are the best candidates to get a male hair transplant.
Here you can find all the info regarding female transplant, like who are the best candidates to get a female hair transplant.
Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) is the technique where the hair strip or band extracted is processed under stereoscopic microscopes.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the technique where all follicular units are are extracted individually.
If your case is the one that requires a lot of hair then the mega sessions can give you the best results in the shortest possible time.
We know that impeccable image is the priority of many people, and that the orientation to detail is key in this type of care.
A great advantage that prevails when receiving this technique with us, is the implementation through cutting-edge technology, surpassing traditional methods very limited in results and appreciation.