Almost everyone is a candidate for a micro hair transplant, hence the importance of an accurate diagnosis in order to guarantee the optimal conditions for treatment and a successful result.
This is the acute loss of hair after chronic systemic diseases, emotional stress, febrile illnesses.
The cause is unknown but its symptoms are clear, round patches on the head completely depopulated of hair.
There are still no fully effective treatments for this type of alopecia. The therapies that are used with medium results are: Topical corticosteroids, steroid injections or irritating agents to excite the follicles stimulating hair growth.
This is when hair is completely lost from the scalp. In cases of Alopecia Universalis (AU), hair is lost from the whole body.
Vitamin A in large doses, cytostatics, antithyroid drugs, anticoagulants, mercury and valproic acid are capable of producing alopecia. When the drug is stopped the alopecia disappears.
It can be caused by the use of hair dryers, metal combs or any other element capable of causing lesions on the scalp, or when the patient (in a manic state) pulls out his own
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